About Me

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Hello there! My name is Freya. I'm a teenage girl living a slightly sheltered life. I do volunteer work at a secondhand store every week for more then one day. I have put over 100 hours into it. In my free time I read and play video games. In the night I watch anime and YouTube. I am an artist in highschool. I'm homeschooled and don't get out much in summer and winter.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Music continued and Video games

What  I didn't mention last night was the kind of music I hate. Now I only hate three genre's: Metal, Rap and Country. I have my reasons.Metal is too loud and offensive and I don' like that even though they are speaking English yet I can't understand what they are saying.With Rap I find it too ofenssive. The songs associated with this genre are usually sexually explicit and disrespect women. It also glamourizes crime. When it comes to country music, I don't like what they do with their voices. Also, I don't like it because if I did, three of my brothers would make fun of me. You see, me and my family are Canadian, with two of them still living there. Two of them accuse me of becoming American. I try not to do that even though I live here. Imagine how stressful it is not to be like the people in the country you live in. Although, if given the chance I would drop my American citizenship in a heartbeat. I want to stay true to Canada . I would replace my American citizenship with English or Irish citizenship (Thank you Grandma and Grandpa).

Now on the subject of Video games. I personally like to watch people play them. I've been doing that since I was little. I grew up watching my brothers play video gam Now that I've grown up, I watch let's play's and play games for myself. When I was little they played the Gameboy advance and NES. As I got older they started playing the Gamecube and PS2. To this day I love th Gamecube. What I watched them play was: Final Fantasy, Kingdom hearts, The Legend of Zelda and Timesplitters. When I was little, this was I started shipping. To this day I still ship those couples. Tidus x Yuna, Zidayne x Pri Garnet/Dagger, Cloud x Aeirith, Sora x Kairi, Roxas x Namine aaaaaand Link x Zelda. Now since I dont have a lot of money, so I play what I have. Right now what I like to play is Soul caliber 2, Super Smash Bros, Fire emblem fates: birthright-my all time favourite! Sooooo many hot guys! I also have Kingdom Hearts for the D.S. Unfortunately the only Final Fantasy game i got stuck on. It was Chrystal chronicles for the gamecube. Anyway, you guys have a goodnight!

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